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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Mulch Mayhem

7/10/2024 (Permalink)

Smoking Mulch Don't let your mulch be the reason you experience fire damage this summer.

As we celebrate summer, many of us eagerly anticipate outdoor activities like barbecues, bonfires, and family gatherings. SERVPRO® of Decorah supports a fun summer activity, however, it's essential to stay mindful of potential fire hazards that can quickly turn a fun gathering into a dangerous situation.

Grilling is a summer staple, especially on Father's Day, but it comes with fire risks if the grill is placed on unstable surfaces or too close to flammable materials. Unattended grills can lead to accidents that escalate quickly. Similarly, bonfires and campfires, while enjoyable, pose significant risks. Uncontrolled fires or those built too large can spread rapidly, especially in dry conditions, and campfires near overhanging branches or dry brush can easily ignite surrounding areas. Yard maintenance is also crucial in fire prevention. Dry leaves, grass, and other yard debris can ignite during hot, dry days, leading to potentially devastating fires.

An Unforeseen risk

One fire hazard that many overlook is mulch. Commonly used in landscaping for its aesthetic and moisture-conserving benefits, mulch can easily ignite when dry. A discarded cigarette, a stray spark from a grill, or even intense heat from the sun can cause mulch to catch fire. This risk is heightened when mulch is piled too thickly or placed near wooden structures and plants that could fuel a fire. Additionally, some mulches contain chemicals for staining and treating, which can make them more combustible. Under intense heat, these chemicals can cause the mulch to spontaneously combust, leading to fires that can quickly spread to nearby structures or vegetation. My sister knew a friend who this happened to and it caused their home to catch fire.

Recognizing these fire hazards is the first step in ensuring a safe and enjoyable summer. Keep reading into our next section, where we will provide practical tips on how to prevent and stay safe from these outdoor fire risks.

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